Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mister, I'll make a man out of you.

Broetics employs careful juxtaposition of images, words, and ideas to evoke a feeling that maybe has already been evoked. By your mom. Broetics is currently debating whether it's more important to be disjunctive or hyperjunctive. Your mom told me last night that hyperjunctive sounds too honest (too talky), and disjunctive sounds insincere (but broetically inclined). Your mom thinks a bro ought to try everything in moderation (your mom really wants me to watch what I'm drinking, eating, doing, and hating, as if that can be done in moderation).

Maybe being disjunctive (Ashbery) or hyperjunctive (see link) have become tired, bad ideas, and it's keg stand time. Maybe it's vision quest time. Maybe it's time to go native, bros. Peyote, pipes, pimps, palanquins.

1 comment:

S. said...

You know what else can't be done in moderation? That's right, YOUR MOM.

I know, I'm way overdue for another entry.
(That's what sh...yeah.)